WDFW Moves Up Lower Snohomish Pink, Coho Opener; Eggs Barred
Snohomish River salmon season updates
Action: Opens lower river salmon seasons early, allows use of bait except for eggs in areas open for salmon.
Species affected: Salmon.

Location: Snohomish River (Snohomish County).
Effective dates and rules for specific locations:
- From the mouth to the railroad (RR) bridge immediately upstream of WDFW’s Lincoln Ave Snohomish Boat Launch:
Closed immediately through Aug. 31 to fishing for food fish and game fish.
Salmon fishing is open from Sept. 1 through Oct. 15: Minimum size is 12 inches. Daily limit four (4) including no more than two (2) coho. Release Chinook and chum. Bait is allowed, except using fish eggs is prohibited. Night closure and anti-snagging rule in effect. Single point barbless hooks required. - From the RR bridge immediately upstream of WDFW’s Lincoln Ave Snohomish Boat Launch to the confluence of the Skykomish and Snoqualmie rivers:
Closed immediately through Sept. 15 to fishing for food fish and game fish.
Salmon fishing is open from Sept. 16 through Oct. 15: Minimum size is 12 inches. Daily limit four (4) including no more than two (2) coho. Release Chinook and chum. Bait is allowed, except use fish eggs is prohibited. Night closure and anti-snagging rule in effect. Single point barbless hooks required.
Reason for action: Preseason forecast of pink and coho salmon returns are sufficient to open the lower portion of the river two weeks early. In addition, there are sufficient Chinook impacts remaining in the season to allow this earlier opening targeting coho and pink salmon.
Additional information: Please see the 2023/24 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for rules for other species or areas.
Fishery managers will monitor the fishery closely and may adjust seasons rules accordingly. Anglers are encouraged to sign up for Fishing Rule Change email notifications at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/lists and to check emergency rules on the WDFW website prior to fishing.