The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission has approved buying the boat ramps and parking area of a Sekiu fishing resort, securing public access to angling and boating opportunities on the central Strait of Juan de Fuca....
Washington salmon managers have pushed back the winter Chinook openers off Seattle, Tacoma and Sekiu to try and "extend opportunity later into the season," while the first two marine areas will also open four days a week, Wednesdays through Saturdays rather...
As if attacks on salmon production aren't enough, vandals have taken chainsaws and axes to trees at WDFW's Puyallup Fish Hatchery, leading to some old trees having to be taken down to keep the public safe on the grounds of the...
The annual salmon-season-setting process for Washington kicks off February 28 with the fish forecasts, and will include a number of meetings with anglers and chances to provide input on the shape of 2025-26 fisheries....
Two bills that would tweak the nomination process for Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission appointments have dropped this week, with one creating a committee of stakeholder groups to make recommendations to the governor and the other tasking counties with filling half...
Columbia River sturgeon managers played it conservative, approving only the first of two proposed The Dalles Pool retention opportunities later this month, but they do plan to revisit the fishery following this Saturday's opener....
The migratory corridors, winter grounds and stopover points on the way to and from summer range of more than a dozen Central and Eastern Oregon mule deer herds are detailed in the latest edition of the U.S. Geological Survey's Ungulate Migrations...
Another Eastern Washington lake is being stocked with Westside steelhead, this time Rock Lake on the Palouse, and they're expected to provide a good fishery in coming years if the past is any guide....
WDFW is taking public comment on tweaks to the 2025 hunting regs as well as a statewide ban on baiting or feeding deer, elk and moose to try and limit the spread of chronic wasting disease....
Washington wolves were the subject of a two-hour committee meeting in Olympia this morning as WDFW and tribal managers outlined the recovery of the species and lawmakers held public hearings on a pair of bills, one of which would require that...
A bipartisan group of Washington legislators has filed a bill in Olympia asking Congress and the Trump Administration to modify the Marine Mammal Protection Act to allow lethal removals of sea lions and harbor seals and other actions in more of...
Rewards have doubled for people whose reports of snagging, overlimits or illegal fish introductions lead to an arrest or citation, thanks to cash backing from three organizations....
"This is a test of the Emergency Smelt Opener Notification System."
That's what you might consider this morning's email from WDFW about whether the lower Cowlitz River will open next week for dipping as this winter the agency tries out a brand-new...
With a large budget deficit forecasted and calls from Olympia for reduced spending on state programs, a pair of Washington legislators have introduced a bill that would sharply increase the cost of sportsmen's licenses, though seniors would at least get a...
ODFW is again allowing the two-rod validation on the Willamette River for spring Chinook and other game fish except sturgeon this season, with the rule going into effect March 1 below the falls and April 1 above there....