SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report 6-28-22)
Preliminary Washington Columbia River mainstem and tributary sport sampling summary June 20-26, 2022
(Editor’s note: Note that summer Chinook retention closed on the Lower Columbia after June 22, but there’s been a runsize update and managers have scheduled a conference call on Thursday – stay tuned.)
Columbia River and Tributary Fishery Reports
Mainstem Columbia River
Sec 1 (Bonneville) – 51 bank anglers kept one Chinook, one jack and released four Chinook and one steelhead. 2 boats/2 rods released two Chinook and one jack.
Sec 2 (Camas/Washougal) – 6 boats/12 rods had no catch.
Sec 3 (I-5 area) – Two bank anglers had no catch.

Sec 4 (Vancouver) – Three bank anglers released one sockeye. 9 boats/17 rods kept two Chinook.
Sec 5 (Woodland) – Six bank anglers kept one steelhead and released one sockeye. 5 boats/13 rods had no catch.
Sec 6 (Kalama) – 71 bank anglers kept seven Chinook and released four Chinook, two steelhead and six sockeye. 31 boats/71 rods kept 19 Chinook, one jack, two steelhead and released seven Chinook, three jacks, three steelhead and four sockeye.
Sec 7 (Cowlitz) – 6 boats/19 rods kept 11 Chinook and released two Chinook and three sockeye.
Sec 8 (Longview) – 206 bank anglers kept 13 Chinook, one jack, 14 steelhead and released eight Chinook, five steelhead and 13 sockeye. 59 boats/135 rods kept 23 Chinook, two jacks, 29 steelhead and released 10 Chinook, one jack, three steelhead and eight sockeye.
Sec 9 (Cathlamet) – 13 bank anglers released one Chinook and six sockeye. 1 boat/3 rods had no catch. Sec 10 (Cathlamet) – One bank angler had no catch.
Sec 1 (Bonneville) – 1 boat/3 rods released two legal and five oversize sturgeon.
Sec 4 (Vancouver) – 1 boat/2 rods released four legal, six sublegal and one oversize sturgeon.
Sec 6 (Kalama) – Six bank anglers released one legal sturgeon. 3 boats/9 rods released two sublegal and two oversize sturgeon.
Sec 1 (Bonneville) – 80 bank anglers kept 661 shad and released 11 shad. 6 boats/10 rods kept 156 shad.
Sec 2 (Camas/Washougal) – 2 boats/3 rods kept 13 shad.
Sec 3 (I-5 area) – 1 boat/2 rods kept two shad.
Sec 6 (Kalama) – 1 boat/2 rods had no catch.
Columbia River Tributaries
Cowlitz River I-5 Br downstream – 11 bank rods kept one steelhead.
Cowlitz River Above the I-5 Br – 13 bank rods kept one steelhead and released two steelhead. 6 boats/19 rods kept 17 steelhead.
Kalama River – 44 bank rods kept four Chinook, one steelhead and released one jack and one steelhead. 4 boats/9 rods kept one steelhead and released one steelhead.
Lewis River – 2 boats/8 rods kept one Chinook and released one Chinook.
Klickitat River below Fisher Hill Bridge – No report.
Klickitat River above #5 Fishway – No report.