Springer Limits Reduced On 5 SW WA Rivers; Cowlitz Keepers Must Be Ad, Ventral Clipped
Salmon daily limit reduced in Drano Lake
Action: Reduces the adult salmon portion of the salmon and steelhead daily limit to one (1).
Effective date: March 16, 2024, until further notice.
Species affected: Salmon and steelhead.
Location: Drano Lake from waters downstream of markers on point of land downstream and across from Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery and upstream of the Highway 14 bridge.
Rule: Salmon and hatchery steelhead: Daily limit two (2), including no more than one (1) adult salmon. Salmon minimum size 12 inches. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook. Release wild steelhead.
Reason for action: The preseason forecast of spring Chinook returning to Drano Lake (5,273 adults) indicates that a reduced adult salmon daily limit is needed to provide spring Chinook angling opportunity and help ensure broodstock collection goals at Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery.
Additional information: WDFW will continue to monitor the spring Chinook return with co-managers and National Fish Hatchery staff to determine if and when further fishery modification is needed.
Note: Anglers are reminded of the bank fishing only area located at the west end of Drano Lake (effective April 16 through June 30 annually). Please help maintain an orderly fishery by operating boats in a manner that avoids the bank fishing only area and boundary line while fishing.
Please refer to the Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional information related to Drano Lake.
Adult salmon daily limit reduced in the lower Klickitat River; salmon seasons shortened to support broodstock collection
Action: Reduces the adult salmon portion of the daily limit to one (1); closes salmon season beginning on May 23, 2024. Delays opening of salmon season in the upper Klickitat River until further notice.
Species affected: Salmon
Location, effective dates, and rules:
- From the mouth (Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge) to Fisher Hill Bridge:
- Effective April 1 through May 22, 2024: Salmon and hatchery steelhead: Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays only. Daily limit two (2), including no more than one (1) adult salmon. Release wild Chinook. Release wild steelhead.
- Effective May 23, 2024, until further notice: Salmon: Closed.
- From 400 feet upstream of the #5 fishway to boundary markers below Klickitat Salmon Hatchery:
- Effective May 25, 2024, until further notice: Salmon: Closed.
Reason for action: The estimated return of adult spring Chinook (1,254) to the Klickitat River for 2024 is among the lowest since 2009. Hatchery spring Chinook releases in 2022 were well below program goals. These fish will return as four year-olds in 2024, which represent the largest age group of spring Chinook runs. The reduced contribution of this release to the 2024 return is a likely contributor to the relatively low forecast. Additionally, PIT tagging operations for the 2022 release group were disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, which will diminish managers’ ability to monitor the return in-season. A conservative management approach will help ensure that hatchery broodstock collection is achieved and provide some initial opportunity to harvest Spring Chinook in the lower river.
Adult salmon daily limit reduced in the Wind River
Action: Reduces the adult salmon portion of daily limit to one (1).
Effective date: March 16, 2024, until further notice.
Species affected: Salmon and steelhead.
Location: Wind River from the mouth to 800 yards downstream of Carson National Fish Hatchery. The mouth of the Wind River is defined by the buoy line markers south of the Highway 14 bridge.
Salmon and hatchery steelhead rules: Daily limit 6. Up to one (1) adult salmon and one (1) hatchery steelhead, or up to two (2) hatchery steelhead may be retained. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook and hatchery coho. Release wild steelhead.
Reason for action: The preseason forecast of spring Chinook returning to the Wind River (4,156 adults) indicates that a reduced adult salmon daily limit is needed to provide spring Chinook angling opportunity and help ensure broodstock collection goals at Carson National Fish Hatchery.
Additional information: WDFW will continue to monitor spring Chinook returns with co-managers and National Fish Hatchery staff to determine if further fishery modification is needed. All other permanent rules and closed waters areas remain in effect. Please refer to the Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional information. Anglers are reminded to always check for emergency rule change updates prior to fishing.
Adult salmon daily limit reduced on the Kalama River
Action: Reduces the adult salmon portion of the daily limit to one (1) fish in the lower Kalama River.
Effective date: Effective March 1, 2024, until further notice.
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: Kalama River from the mouth upstream to 1,000 feet below the fishway at Kalama Falls Hatchery.
Rules: Salmon daily limit is six (6) including no more than one (1) adult. Minimum size is 12 inches. Only hatchery Chinook and hatchery coho may be retained.
Reason for action: A reduction in the adult salmon daily limit is needed to ensure hatchery broodstock goals are achieved. Reducing the adult salmon daily limit will provide continued opportunity for anglers to harvest spring Chinook and help ensure future hatchery returns.
Additional information: All other permanent rules remain in effect; please refer to the Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional information.
Adult salmon harvest rules modified for the lower Cowlitz River
Action: Reduces adult salmon portion of the daily limit to 1 adult; adult Chinook must be both adipose and ventral fin clipped.
Effective date: March 1, 2024, until further notice.
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: Cowlitz River from boundary markers at the mouth to the fishing boundary signs below the Barrier Dam.
Salmon rules: Minimum size is 12 inches. Daily limit is six (6); up to one (1) adult may be retained. Release all salmon other than hatchery jack Chinook, adult Chinook with both the adipose fin and a ventral fin clipped with healed scars, and hatchery coho.
Reason for action: A significant broodstock shortage in 2020 resulted in a reduced Cowlitz origin spring Chinook smolt release in 2022. The shortfall was supplemented with excess Spring Chinook smolts from the Kalama marked with an adipose and ventral fin clip. Adults from the supplemental release are returning this year and are available for harvest, resulting in the need for a modified adult salmon fishery. These fishery rules will optimize Cowlitz origin hatchery broodstock collection and reintroduction of spring Chinook to the upper Cowlitz basin, while providing harvest opportunities for hatchery jack spring Chinook and adult spring Chinook with both an adipose and ventral fin clip with healed scars.
Additional information: Under permanent rules, the lower Cowlitz River is currently open for hatchery spring Chinook retention from the mouth up to the fishing boundary signs below the Barrier Dam. Chinook jacks are any Chinook between 12 inches and 24 inches in length. All other permanent rules published in the Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet remain in effect.