Socke-splosion!! Baker Lake Limit Blows Up To 5 A Day
Sockeye limit increased in Baker Lake
July 13, 2023
Action: Raises daily sockeye limit.

Effective date: Immediately through Aug. 31, 2023.
Species affected: Sockeye.
Location: Baker Lake (Whatcom County): Catch Record Card Code 825.
Rules: Raises daily limit to five sockeye. Minimum size is 18 inches. Two poles allowed with the Two Pole Endorsement. Each angler aboard a vessel may deploy salmon angling gear until the daily salmon limit for all anglers aboard has been achieved.
Reason for action: Due to Baker Lake trap counts, WDFW and tribal comanagers have updated the expected run-size to 52,000 sockeye. It is expected that by this weekend (July 15), over 20,000 sockeye will have been trucked to Baker Lake. This number of sockeye in the lake, at this point in the season, has only been topped once in the last decade. Broodstock collection is currently at 82% of the broodstock goal, which is expected to be met ahead of schedule. This run-size is sufficient to allow for increased opportunity in the lake.
Additional information: In-season closures or other management actions will be announced as soon as possible. Consider downloading the FishWA app or signing up for fishery change notifications by email at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/lists.
Closure day added in portion of the Skagit River
July 13, 2023
Action: Closes all fishing.
Effective dates: Immediately through July 14, 2023.
Species affected: All species.
Location: Skagit River (Skagit County) from the Highway 9 Bridge in Sedro Woolley to the mouth of the Baker River.
Reason for action: This area of the Skagit River is closed to avoid gear conflicts during scheduled treaty fisheries.
Additional information: Anglers are asked to respect tribal fishers and reminded to not interfere with tribal fisheries. There may be future periodic closures to prevent conflicts during scheduled tribal fisheries. Conflicts that arise during ongoing fisheries could lead to additional time and area closures to reduce conflicts.
In-season closures or other management actions will be announced as soon as possible. Consider downloading the FishWA app or signing up for fishery change notifications by email at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/lists.