Snoho Coho Extended, Bait OKed; Wallace To Open With Bonus Bag
Snohomish River salmon season updates
Action: Salmon season is extended through Oct. 31, 2023. Use of bait including eggs is allowed in the area open for salmon.

Effective date: Immediately through Oct. 31, 2023.
Species affected: Salmon.
Snohomish River from the mouth to confluence of the Skykomish and Snoqualmie rivers:
- Immediately through Oct. 31, 2023: Minimum size is 12 inches. Daily limit is four (4) including no more than two (2) coho. Release Chinook and chum. Bait is allowed. Night closure and anti-snagging rules are in effect. Single-point, barbless hooks are required.
Reason for action: Preseason forecast of pink and coho returns are sufficient to open the lower portion of the river for two additional weeks. In addition, there are sufficient Chinook impacts remaining in the season to allow this extended opening targeting coho.
Additional information: Fishery managers will monitor the fishery closely and may adjust seasons rules accordingly. Anglers should continue to check emergency regulations for new and changing seasons or sign up for email notification through WDFW Regulation Updates. In addition, anglers are reminded to refer to the 2023/2024 Washington Sport Fishing Rules Pamphlet for other rules and regulations.
Information contact: Fish Program, 360-902-2700.
Wallace River opens Oct. 16 with increased salmon daily limit
Action: Open fishing seasons for gamefish and salmon as listed in 2023/24 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet, except with an increased salmon daily limit and any coho may be retained.
Effective date: Oct. 16, 2023.
Species affected: All species.
From mouth at the farthest downstream railroad bridge to 363rd Avenue Southeast/Reece Road (Dike Road):
- Oct. 16 through Oct. 31, 2023: Salmon is open. Minimum size is 12 inches. Daily limit is four (4). Release all salmon other than coho and pinks.
From 363rd Avenue Southeast/Reece Road (Dike Road) to 200 feet upstream of water intake of salmon hatchery:
- Oct. 16 through Nov. 30, 2023: Salmon is open. Minimum size is 12 inches. Daily limit is four (4). Release all salmon other than coho and pinks.
Reason for action: In-season observations indicate coho returns are sufficient to increase the salmon daily limit. The abundance of wild coho is greater than the preseason forecast.
Additional information: Fishery managers will monitor the fishery closely and may adjust seasons rules accordingly. Anglers should continue to check emergency regulations for new and changing seasons or sign up for email notification through WDFW Regulation Updates. In addition, anglers are reminded to refer to the 2023/2024 Washington Sport Fishing Rules Pamphlet for other rules and regulations.
Information contact: Fish Program, 360-902-2700.