ONP: Queets Closed, But Sliver Of Trib Open For Dec. Steelhead
Olympic National Park has conservation concerns for declining wild steelhead populations and is implementing in-season fishing regulation changes within park waters for the Queets, Salmon, and Quinault river systems.
Of particular concern is the forecasted low return of Queets River wild steelhead. The 2021-22 forecast for Queets wild steelhead is expected to be well below the minimum escapement goal of 4,200 wild fish. Queets wild steelhead have failed to meet that escapement goal in each of the last five years.
The Salmon River will be open from December 1 through December 31, 2021 and two hatchery steelhead may be retained.
The 2021-22 forecast for wild steelhead in the Quinault River system is expected to be 1,756 wild steelhead, which would be among the lowest return on record.
These regulation changes are being implemented in cooperation with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Fisheries within Olympic National Park are managed to provide a variety of fishing opportunities, allow for the harvest of hatchery steelhead, and protect wild steelhead populations. To better protect wild steelhead, Olympic National Park is implementing the following in-season changes:
Queets River:
- Closed to recreational fishing beginning December 1, 2021.
Salmon River:
- Closed to recreational fishing beginning January 1, 2022.
Quinault River (upper bridge downstream to park boundary):
- Closed to recreational fishing beginning December 1, 2021.
For current fishing regulations and information, please visit the park website at nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/fishing.htm