Lower Wenatchee River Opening For Sockeye
Wenatchee River salmon fishery update
Action: Opens sockeye retention.
Effective date: One hour before official sunrise Monday, Aug. 1 to one hour after official sunset Friday, Sept. 30, 2023.
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: Wenatchee River (Chelan County) from the mouth to the Icicle Road Bridge.

- Minimum size is 12 inches. Daily limit six, including no more than two adult hatchery Chinook and no more than four sockeye. Release coho and wild adult Chinook.
- Night closure in effect and no motorboats, other than boats with electric trolling motors may be used. (Chelan County ordinance 7.20.190 motorboat restrictions).
- Selective gear rules in effect, except bait is allowed.
- Two-pole endorsement not allowed in this fishery.
Reason for action: Based on current sockeye passage analysis at Tumwater Dam and mainstem Columbia River Dams, WDFW projects a surplus of harvestable sockeye destined for Lake Wenatchee, well above the natural spawning escapement goal of 23,000 fish.
Additional information: This fishery will be monitored closely and may close on short notice depending upon angler participation and harvest rates. Anglers are advised to check the emergency rules change on the WDFW’s website. If you would like to be notified of rule changes as they are announced, please sign up for the agency rule emails at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/lists.
Information contact: Region 2 Office (Ephrata): 509-754-4624 or email TeamEphrata@dfw.wa.gov.