Dash Point Pier Closed As Heart Of Salmon Season Arrives
Bad news for bank-bound South Sound salmon anglers and crabbers: The popular Dash Point Pier by Tacoma and Federal Way has been closed for a “comprehensive assessment due to structural conditions.”

The announcement from Metro Parks Tacoma yesterday arrives as Chinook, coho and pinks begin to turn up as well.
The agency says the timing with fishing season is “coincidental” and came about after locals “expressed concerns about the structural safety of the pier.”
Engineers were brought in take an initial look at the structure.
“Based on their preliminary assessment, and out of an abundance of caution and concern for the public’s safety, we have closed the pier until they are able to complete a full evaluation and prepare a report with recommendations for repair and/or renovation,” Metro Parks said.
It’s unclear when the pier might reopen but no money is set aside in the budget for repairs.
Dash Point was built in 1995 with an expected life of 40 to 50 years. As with other such structures around Puget Sound, they provide anglers and crabbers without boats access to deeper, more productive waters than they would otherwise be able to get their gear into from shore.
Seattle’s Pier 86 closed in summer 2017 for structural reasons and has yet to reopen, though money has at least been allocated for a restoration feasibility study.

Metro Parks points to the Les Davis Pier and Point Defiance Marina as alternatives.
Crabbing is open on Sundays and Mondays in these waters through August 30.