Coho Fishing Opening On Willapa Bay Tribs
Coho salmon fishing to open in Willapa Bay tributaries
Action: Opens coho salmon fishing.
Effective date: Oct. 3, 2020 until further notice.
Species affected: Coho salmon.
Locations: Fork Creek, Naselle River, Nemah River Middle, Nemah River North, Nemah River South, Willapa River, Willapa River South Fork, North River, Smith Creek, Bear River.
- Bear River – from mouth (Hwy 101 Bridge) to Lime Quarry Road (approx. 2 river miles): Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 1. Release wild Chinook.
- Fork Creek – from Forks Creek Hatchery rack upstream 500’ at fishing boundary sign: Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021.Min. size. 12”. Daily limit 3. Only 1 may be a wild coho. Release wild Chinook.
- Naselle River – from the Hwy 101 Bridge to the Hwy 4 Bridge: Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 3. Only 1 may be a wild coho. Release wild Chinook.
- Naselle River – from the Hwy 4 Bridge to the Crown Mainline (Salme) Bridge: Open to salmon Oct. 16, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 3. Only 1 may be a wild coho. Release wild Chinook.
- Nemah River, Middle – from mouth upstream to the Department of Natural Resources decommissioned bridge on Middle Nemah A-Line Rd.: Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 1. Release Chinook.
- Nemah River, North – from Hwy 101 Bridge upstream to bridge on Nemah Valley Road: Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 1. Release Chinook.
- Nemah River, North – from Nemah Hatchery barrier dam to N700 Rd (46° 28.58N, 123°48.54W): Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 1. Release Chinook.
- Nemah River, South – from mouth (Lynn Point 117° true to opposite shore) upstream – Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 1. Release Chinook.
- North River – from the Hwy 105 Bridge to Fall River: Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 1. Release wild Chinook.
- Smith Creek – from mouth to Hwy 101 Bridge: Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 1. Release wild Chinook.
- Willapa River – from mouth (City of South Bend boat launch) to Hwy 6 Bridge (near the town of Lebam): Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 3. Only 1 may be a wild coho. Release wild Chinook.
- Willapa River, South Fork – from mouth to 400’ downstream of falls/fish ladder in Sec. 6 T13N R8W: Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 3. Only 1 may be a wild coho. Release wild Chinook.
- Willapa River, South Fork – from falls/fish ladder in Sec. 6 T13N R8W to Pehl Rd. Bridge: Open for salmon Oct. 3, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021. Min. size 12”. Daily limit 3. Only 1 may be a wild coho. Release wild Chinook.
Reason for action: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife uses two different modeling tools to evaluate the runsize of coho in-season, based on the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of the commercial fisheries and the Terminal Area Management Model (TAMM) to estimate catch, impacts, escapement and harvest rates for each fishery by species preseason. The prediction from these models indicates a much higher coho runsize and coho natural origin escapement than predicted preseason.
Department staff have continued to monitor recreational and commercial fisheries as well as the hatchery returns to date. Data collected to date indicates there are remaining unmarked Chinook impacts available as well as a coho runsize larger than the preseason prediction. After further evaluation of these factors, fishery managers have decided that additional changes to the preseason recreational fishery for freshwater fisheries is warranted.
Additional information: For more information on permanent rules and other Willapa Bay fisheries see
Information contact: Region 6 Montesano office, 360-249-4628.