Another Day For Spot Shrimp In Area 11; 9, 13 Non-spot Opens 6/1
Action: An additional day of recreational spot shrimp fishing will be offered in Marine Area 11 on June 9, and Marine Areas 9 and 13 open for non-spot shrimp fishing on June 1.
Effective dates by marine area:
Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet): Open June 1 through Oct.15 for only non-spot shrimp.
Marine Area 11 (Tacoma-Vashon Island): Open June 9 only from 9 a.m. through 1 p.m. for all shrimp species.

Marine Area 13 (South Puget Sound): Open June 1 through Oct.15 for only non-spot shrimp.
Species affected: All shrimp species which include spot shrimp, coonstripe shrimp, dock shrimp, pink shrimp, and sidestripe shrimp.
Locations: Marine Areas 9, 11, and 13.
Reason for action: To harvest recreational shrimp consistent with State/Tribal management agreements.
Additional information: The daily limit is 80 spot shrimp; with a total daily weight limit of 10 pounds (whole shrimp) all species combined. If retaining non-spot shrimp, all shrimp heads (spot and non-spot) must be retained in the field until ashore and finished fishing for the day.Daylight hours only indicates that pots can be set and retrieved from 1 hour before official sunrise to 1 hour after official sunset. All traps must be removed from the water during periods when fishing is closed.