A Brief List Of Things That Are Pissing Me Off Today
1) What in the hell is the deal with people killing large numbers of ducks and then just dumping them?!?
Happened in January when a Wazzu student shot 19 ducks and one goose off a Connell dairy poop pond and then decided they didn’t smell good and didn’t want nothing more to do with them, so he threw them all in the dumpster once back in Pullman.
A WDFW officer had a chat with him about the state’s wildlife waste laws and that charges were being forwarded to the county prosecutor.
Fingers crossed the case is taken up, but at the very least, I hope the stench of his wastage clings to his vehicle for a good damn long time.
Come on, man, Cougs are better than this.

And now IDFG reports a whopping 49 mallards – mostly greenheads – were found dumped south of Lake Lowell in late January, and none had a lick of meat taken off of them.
“Seeing this number of ducks go to waste is a travesty. It amounts to seven legal limits of ducks that countless waterfowl hunters would have been thrilled to harvest and to eat,” stated agency Conservation Officer Craig Mickelson.
I’m getting pissed about this overharvest wastage of waterfowl we’re starting to see more and more of, especially in Idaho for some reason.
Freezer’s already full … didn’t want to clean a bunch of bird … got in late … it’s about the hits/critter pile, bruh …
Unpopular opinion: Is it time to reduce the bag limit from seven ducks a day to two, three or four, the limit of snows and other white geese from 10 to 20 a day to a handful instead of a trunkful?
Maybe high limits are giving some folks the wrong impression that waterfowl numbers are limitless, so why not blaze a bunch and then, hell, just throw ’em away on the side of a canal or the dumpster back at campus.
No. That is not how any of this works. Any of it.
To quote myself in a 2021 article, “If you are not going to eat what you kill, don’t kill.” To paraphrase my wife, if you want to shoot something, shoot a target, not a living being.
Talk about playing right into our adversaries’ arms.
2) I saw not one but two boat ride offers slip through my fingers this week during what appears to be a fair winter steelhead season.
One was unavoidable, but today’s is hurting more and more and more as I fester over wrapping up the last damn pages of one of our magazines and it’s taking forever because now I’m distracting myself by blogging about stuff that is pissing me off, and that is pissing me off, and I’m sure my boat driver limited out long ago and is enjoying a nice leisurely float down the river while I pound this keyboard with ever increasing vigor!
3) Do one stinkin’ damn blog on Bigfoot – declaring the big fella dead, no less! – and now my Facebook feed is clogged with Bigfoot this, Bigfoot that.
Bigfoot scat, I say!
The latest: Somebody found some big ol’ tracks down by the tracks in Kelso or wherever and whipped out their 25-foot contractor’s tape measure or whatever and had to post it.
I could not snooze it fast enough.
Maybe that’s my problem: I’m not getting enough beauty sleep these days?
4) I’ll come up with some more items that are pissing me off – fodder: A) people sending me highly bloggable but chewy dense material after work hours; B) the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission; C) what’s up with Lorna Smith’s cougar and bear proposals up for a vote next week; D) lesser @#$!@ celandine; E) stinkbugs; F) how hard it is to get two teens off their GD devices on yet another damn no-school day to go for a short little walk to get some fresh damn air … and also to get the hell away from the raving lunatic up in his office.
But back to my Real Job for awhile so maybe we can remedy No. 2 this after-damn-noon with a little bank sesh.
5) HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, an afternoon bank session for steelhead, you are funny, Walgamott!!!!
Another thing pissing me off, the stupid self-checkout lane at Safeway. Get sent to the store to get said teens some sushi, as well as chocolate for the Missus, some bread for dinner, and other sundry supplies, miss-scan your super-shopper discount card, and suddenly your $30 pile of stuff is $52!!!
Serenity now!