Snohomish System Hatchery Coho To Be Extended Another Week
State managers will extend hatchery coho season on the Snohomish and Skykomish Rivers another week, taking the fishery into early October.

Watch for official word from WDFW, but the extension will mirror the fishing rule change that came out last Friday afternoon and initially opened the rivers September 20-26, according to a source.
They say that returns to the Snohomish – as well as Puget Sound – are strong so far, with boots-on-the-ground monitoring showing little impact to wild coho from fishermen.
It’s a double dose of good news – for bank and boat anglers from Everett to Index, and for fishermen and biologists who have been concerned in recent years about the status of one of the region’s traditionally strongest silver producers.
This year WDFW had listed September 19 as the last day to fish the two rivers, but then extended it one week after an “after In-season update model indicates additional allowable encounters of non-target species (wild coho and Chinook) during pink opening.”
Now they will do so again.
Of note, five years ago this very same weekend anglers rallied on the Sky’s Lewis Bar, calling on WDFW to open up the water. That year’s run was expected to be very low but appeared to come in stronger and the state-tribal fisheries agreement hadn’t included an inseason update placeholder, unlike on other nearby systems. In early October WDFW opened the Skykomish, Snohomish and Wallace after the agency and tribal managers agreed there were enough fish to support “limited” opportunities.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
1111 Washington St. SE, Olympia, WA 98501
September 24, 2021
Extend salmon season on Snohomish and Skykomish through October 3
Action: Additional extension of recreational salmon seasons
Effective date: Sept. 24 through Oct. 3, 2021
Species affected: Pink salmon and hatchery coho salmon.
Location: Snohomish and Skykomish Rivers
Rule: Salmon daily limit 4. Min. size 12”. Release all salmon other than pinks and hatchery coho.
Reason for action: In-season update model indicates additional allowable encounters of non-target species (wild coho and Chinook) during pink opening.
Additional information: All other regulations continue to apply. See the 2021/2022 Washington Sport Rules pamphlet, available at https://www.eregulations.com/washington/fishing.
Information contact: WDFW Region 4 Office, teammillcreek@dfw.wa.gov