ODFW Public Meetings On 2022 Big Game Seasons Start July 6
Join ODFW district staff at one of 16 annual big game regulation meetings happening around the state in July.
District wildlife biologists will present proposed statewide and local changes to the 2022 hunting seasons, answer questions and ask for attendees’ feedback.
The only major potential change for 2022 big game seasons being considered is to archery elk seasons. Controlled hunting is being considered for certain Blue Mountains units where there are ongoing concerns with low post-season bull ratios, high archery harvest and hunter density.
A more detailed proposal should be available at the meetings and the Commission is expected to make a decision about 2022 archery elk hunting at their Aug. 6 meeting. For more information on what is being discussed, see the big game hunting review page, https://myodfw.com/articles/big-game-hunting-season-review
Public comment about the proposals and other issues related to big game regulations will be taken at these meetings. Comments can also be emailed to odfw.commission@odfw.oregon.gov
Final 2022 Big Game Hunting Regulations will be adopted at the September Commission meeting (with the exception of archery elk regulations which will be decided in August).