Quillayute System To Reopen For Fishing October 1
After a two-and-a-half-month-long closure, the Quillayute and its tributaries such as the Bogachiel, Sol Duc and others will reopen to all fishing starting next Sunday, October 1.
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (9-25-23)
Late September 2023 fall Chinook, coho and steelhead catch stats for the Lower Columbia and its Southwest Washington tributaries.
Hanford Reach Fishing Report (9-25-23)
Fall Chinook catches continue to increase in the Mid-Columbia’s Hanford Reach, but managers say they won’t be able to increase the limit to two kings a day after a runsize update “did not track as we had hoped.”
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (8-15-23)
Mid-August Chinook, coho, steelhead and sturgeon catch stats for Buoy 10, the Lower Columbia and select Southwest Washington tributaries.
Northwest Fish News Of Note (While The Editor Was Away)
When the editor’s away, the news still happens. Such is the message from a full inbox on a Monday morning after a nice long camping trip the hell away from words and blogs and commissions and rule change notices.
SW WA, Lower Columbia Fishing Report (8-7-23)
Early August 2023 Chinook, steelhead and sturgeon catch stats for the Lower Columbia and its Southwest Washington tributaries.