Dierick’s Tsiu River Lodge

(907) 784-3625
(907) 231-5969 CELL
The Tsiu River Lodge has is family owned and operated since 1997. Greg Dierick has been fishing this river since he was a boy with his father Ed. Greg and his father, Ed, built this lodge after over forty years of fishing this river.
Our season here in Alaska at the Tsiu River Lodge runs from the first week of August until mid-October. During this time, you will be able to sight cast to thousands of chrome bright Silvers, fresh in from the Gulf of Alaska. There are massive numbers of Silver Salmon (Coho) in the Tsiu River at this time as it is the peak of the Salmon run.
Silver Salmon are not the only quarry that we pursue at Tsiu River Lodge. The Steelhead start running in September and continue through the remainder of the season. Although more wary and elusive than the Silver Salmon, these fish are prized for their cartwheeling aggressive battles that frequently test the limits of your fishing tackle.
In addition to the Silver Salmon and Steelhead, Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon and Dolly Varden Char are also present in the river. If you are here earlier in the season, you will likely encounter the bright red Sockeye or on odd years, the Pink Salmon. The Dolly Varden are always present and can add some diversity to your fishing day.