Dallas Safari Club


DSC is an international non-profit education, conservation and hunter advocacy organization based in Dallas, Texas.  With an international membership and reach, DSC’s mission is to conserve wildlife and wilderness lands, to educate youth and the general public about the North American model of wildlife conservation and the benefits of science based consumptive wildlife management policies and to promote and protect the rights and interests of hunters worldwide.  

Each year DSC hosts a hunters’ convention and trade exposition (“Convention”) in Dallas, Texas.  DSC has contracted with the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center and Visitor’s Bureau to locate its annual in their facility through the calendar year of 2030.   More than 50,000 attendees will attend DSC’s four-day exposition and related banquets, dinners and auctions at the host hotel, the Omni Hotel Dallas (“Omni”).  The date of our next scheduled Convention is February 11-14, 2021.

We look forward to seeing you all there. Visit our webpage for more details at www.biggame.org