3 More Days Of Spot Shrimp Fishing In South San Juans
Extra days added for spot shrimp in Marine Area 7 South; non-spot shrimp fisheries opening in marine areas 7 East, 8-1, and 8-2

- Opens Marine Area 7 South (Iceberg Point, Point Colville, Biz Point, Salmon Bank) for an additional 3 days of recreational spot shrimp harvest from July 7 through July 9.
- Opens recreational non-spot shrimp fishery in Marine Area 7 East (Northern Rosario Strait, Bellingham Bay, Sucia and Matia Islands, Strait of Georgia) on July 2 through Oct. 15, 2022 with a 200-foot maximum fishing depth restriction.
- Opens recreational non-spot shrimp fishery in Marine Areas 8-1 (Saratoga Passage, Deception Pass) and 8-2 (Port Susan, Gardner, Everett) on July 2 through Oct. 15, 2022 with a 175-foot maximum fishing depth restriction.
Effective dates: July 2, 2022; July 7-July 9, 2022
Species affected: All shrimp species including spot shrimp.
Locations: Marine areas 7 South, 7 East, 8-1, 8-2.
Reason for action: The target shares for recreational spot shrimp in Marine Area 7 South have not been taken with dates previously announced. Three days are being added to take the remaining state share of spot shrimp in this area.
Additionally, recreational non-spot shrimp fisheries will open in marine areas 7 East, 8-1, and 8-2 on July 2 now that spot shrimp fisheries have concluded.
Additional information: Some marine areas including 4, 5, 6 (outside the Discovery Bay Shrimp District), 7 West, and 12 have remaining dates in their spot shrimp seasons. Marine Area 13 opened on June 1 for recreational non-spot (coonstripe, dock, and pink) shrimp fishing and Marine Areas 9 and 11 opened for recreational non-spot shrimp fishing on June 15. Shrimp pots with a minimum mesh size of 1/2-inch are allowed in those areas open only for non-spot shrimp fishing. Check WDFW’s website at https://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/shellfish/shrimp/ for more information.
Information contact: Don Velasquez, Puget Sound shellfish biologist, 425-775-1311 ext. 112.