1 More Day Of Chinook For Area 7, 9, 10 Anglers
Marine Area 9 to open for one additional day of Chinook salmon fishing
July 31, 2024
Action: Allows one day of Chinook retention.
Effective date: Aug. 4, 2024 only.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet), except waters of the Northern Hood Canal Fishery Area (waters of Marine Area 9 south of a line drawn from Foulweather Bluff to Olele Point) and areas listed as closed year-round for salmon in the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules are closed to salmon fishing.
Salmon Rules: Daily limit two, including no more than one hatchery Chinook. Chinook minimum size 22 inches. All other salmon species, no minimum size. Release sockeye, chum, wild Chinook, and wild Coho.
Reason for action: Catch estimates for the Marine Area 9 summer Chinook fishery indicate that through July 20, 78% of the harvest quota (3,049 of 3,900) has been reached. Based on daily catch rates, sufficient quota remains to allow for this additional opening of the 2024 summer Chinook season.
Additional Information: Please refer to the2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for details on coho seasons. See the WDFW Salmon Fishing Current blog for additional Puget Sound Chinook fishery information.
The Edmonds Public Fishing Pier remains open under rules and seasons listed in the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.
Marine Area 7 to open for one additional day of Chinook salmon fishing
July 31, 2024
Action: Allows one day of Chinook retention.
Effective date: Aug. 4, 2024 only.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: Marine Area 7, except: Bellingham Bay and areas listed as closed year-round for salmon in the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet remain closed.
Salmon Rules: Daily limit two, including no more than one hatchery Chinook. Chinook minimum size is 22 inches. All other salmon species, no minimum size. Release sockeye, chum, wild Chinook, and wild coho.
Reason for action: Catch estimates for the Marine Area 7 summer Chinook fishery indicate that through July 28, 86% of the harvest quota (1,885 of 2,181), 36% of unmarked encounters (1,370 of 3,845) and 37% of sublegal encounters (783 of 2,141) have been reached. Based on daily catch rates, sufficient quota remains to allow for this additional opening of the 2024 summer Chinook season.
Additional Information: Please refer to the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for details on coho seasons. See the WDFW Salmon Fishing Current blog for additional Puget Sound Chinook fishery information.
Information contact: Fish Program, 360-902-2700.
Marine Area 10 to open for one additional day of Chinook salmon fishing
Action: Allows one day of Chinook retention.
Effective date: Aug. 4, 2024 only.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: Marine Area 10, except: Shilshole Bay and West Elliot Bay (waters of Elliott Bay east of a line from West Point to Alki Point up to a line from Duwamish Head to Pier 91) remain closed to salmon fishing. East Elliott Bay, Harbor Island, Sinclair Inlet and Port Orchard, Agate Pass Area, and year-round piers (Bremerton Boardwalk, Illahee State Park, Seacrest Pier, and Waterman Pier) follow rules listed in the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.
Salmon Rules: Daily limit two, including no more than one hatchery Chinook. Chinook minimum size 22 inches. All other salmon species, no minimum size. Release chum, sockeye, and wild Chinook.
Reason for action: Catch estimates for the Marine Area 10 summer Chinook fishery indicate that through July 28, 65% (2,070 of 3,166) of the harvest quota, and 61% of sublegal encounters (3,920 of 6,477) have been reached. Based on daily catch rates, sufficient quota remains to allow for this additional opening of the 2024 summer Chinook season.
Additional information: See the WDFW Salmon Fishing Current blog for additional Puget Sound Chinook fishery information.