- Colville Tribes Not Counting Wolves On Northcentral Washington Reservation For First Time
WDFW’s soon-to-arrive annual minimum wolf count may come with an asterisk. The wolves roaming a sprawling North-central Washington reservation aren’t being tallied by tribal authorities for the first time. About a fifth of the state’s known wolves lived there at the end of 2018.
- IDFG Commissioners Extend Wolf Hunting, Trapping Seasons
During a conference call on Feb. 20, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission adopted nine proposed modifications to wolf hunting and trapping for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 seasons, extending wolf hunting opportunity, opening more areas to wolf trapping and extending trapping seasons, which all take effect immediately.
- Judge To Reconsider SEPA Claims Against WDFW Wolf Removals
A King County Superior Court judge today announced he is willing to reconsider part of his ruling last month that initially reaffirmed WDFW didn’t need to run its wolf removal protocols through the State Environmental Policy Act.
- More Details Emerge On Recent Grouse Flats Pack Depredation
WDFW says that lethal removal isn’t being considered after a wolf killed a newborn calf in the pasture of a former Fish and Wildlife Commissioner, the fifth confirmed livestock depredation by the Grouse Flats Pack in seven months.
- Year’s First Wolf Depredation Reported In Southeast Washington
After nearly five months without a depredation in Washington, wolves struck earlier this week in the Blue Mountains, killing a newborn calf.