Spotlight on Sauvie Island Duck Club
Located 10 miles northwest of Portland and nestled along the fabled Pacific Flyway, Sauvie Island Duck
Club is prime waterfowl hunting real estate. The private hunting club has one of the largest state-run bird
refuges offering waterfowl hunting close by. This translates to 200,000 to 300,000 ducks and geese in the
area, depending on the time in the season.

SIDC’s location along the Pacific Flyway, which runs from Alaska down to Patagonia at the southern tip of
South America, is truly a special place for waterfowlers.
Another perk of SIDC is that it is open on all legal hunting days of the season.
“There are very few places this close to Portland where you can hunt takes seven days a week (on legal
hunting days),” says Spada. “Allowing seven days a week of hunting allows hunters to be there when the
weather is there – the clubs that only have certain shooting days miss out on great opportunities because the
birds fly when the weather is right. You can be at our place when the weather is right, regardless of what
day it is.”

In addition to purchasing a club membership – available for day, week and season – those looking to hunt
at SIDC must also have their federal and state waterfowl stamps and a valid hunting license. This portion of
the Pacific Northwest is a temperate rainforest, so appropriate rain gear is essential. Spada also
recommends reading the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife waterfowl regulations.

Most importantly, be prepared to learn from the best of the best. “By hunting with the members at Sauvie
Island Duck Club, you get the opportunity to hunt with some of the most qualified waterfowl hunters in the
Pacific Northwest,” says Spada. “Hooking up with these hunters will save you a lot of time learning about

The folks at SIDC are optimistic about the upcoming waterfowl season. “We are looking forward to great
early-, mid- and late-season hunting this year,” Spada concludes. “Our club offers five main lakes, six
different shooting areas, lots of feed, and we are open on all legal hunting days of the season. There is
plenty of room for those who want to hunt!”
For more information, visit www.siduckclub.com.