Portions Of Deep South Sound To Open For Chums
Action: Opens chum salmon retention within portions of South Puget Sound (Marine Area 13) and Kennedy Creek listed below.
Effective dates: Nov. 1-Dec. 7, 2024.
Species affected: Chum salmon.

Kennedy Creek: From mouth (an arc 500 yards east of the midpoint of the northbound Highway 101 Bridge) to the northbound Highway 101 Bridge.
Marine Area 13 waters northerly and westerly of a line projected from the Johnson Point (47°10’40.8″N, 122°48’53.3″W) to Devil’s Head (47°10’01.2″N, 122°46’01.5″W).
Marine Area 13 waters of Carr Inlet northerly of a line projected from Penrose Point (47°15’53.6″N, 122°44’11.5″W) to Green Point (47°16’55.2″N, 122°41’41.8″W).
- Marine Area 13: deep South Sound and Carr Inlet (waters listed above): Salmon daily limit two. Chinook minimum size 22 inches. Other salmon species no minimum size. Release wild coho and wild Chinook.
- Kennedy Creek: Mouth to northbound Highway 101 Bridge (described above): Salmon daily limit two. Minimum size 12 inches. Release wild coho and wild Chinook. Night closure and selective gear rules in effect.
Reason for action: In-season estimates of chum returns to Puget Sound indicate that there are sufficient returning numbers to allow for limited recreational harvest in the areas listed and presents low risk of negatively impacting natural stocks returning to South Sound. These actions have been agreed to with co-managers.
Additional information: Waters of South Puget Sound (Marine Area 13) not covered above, which include waters surrounding Anderson Island and around the Nisqually River, remain under rules listed in the 2024-2025 Washington Sport Fishing Rules and require release of chum salmon.
Anglers are encouraged to sign up for Fishing Rule Change email notifications and to check for emergency rules on the WDFW website prior to fishing.