318 Stable Dr
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Since the 1990’s Matt Harris and Pat Reagin, under the direction and tutelage of Fred Sinclair and Bill Gravatt, had been manufacturing and designing reloading tools and shooting accessories for the shooting industry. In September of 2010, Matt and Pat decided to offer their own line of products to shooting enthusiasts and on September 22nd, PMA Tool LLC (Precision Made American Tool) was formed. We sincerely appreciate the opportunities given to us by Sinclair International and Brownells and hope to maintain a working relationship with them in the future.
We at PMA Tool hope to be your source for Precision Made American reloading tools and shooting accessories. In the coming months and years we will be expanding our own line of tools, and adding many that are manufactured by our friends in the industry.
Through our experience at Sinclair International we have learned that customer service and communication is THE KEY to success. We hope to have an individual relationship with all of our customers. Your input on the tools and accessories we offer as well as any future products is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking a look and please keep in touch.
A bit about ourselves
Matt Harris- A lifelong hunter, shooter and muscle car enthusiast, Matt studied Architecture at ITT of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Matt met Fred Sinclair through their mutual love of fast cars and began working at Sinclair International to help pay for his college education. Over the years of working with Fred, Matt soon found that he had a talent for coming up with tools for the industry, becoming “the guy” for designing new products and the only guy that can read Pat’s chicken scratch prints.
Pat Reagin- Growing up across the street from Fred Sinclair definitely has its advantages. A lifelong hunter and shooter like Matt, Pat also began working for Sinclair International to pay for college. While working and studying under Fred and Bill Gravatt, Pat deepened his love for the shooting sports and found himself being the guinea pig for many of Sinclair’s new products. Pat has shot rifles competitively in Benchrest (both centerfire and rimfire), NRA Highpower and NRA Long Range. Currently Pat competes regularly in 100/200 yard Benchrest as well as the occasional 1000yd.