No Cowlitz Smelt Opener Next Wednesday, Saturday

“This is a test of the Emergency Smelt Opener Notification System.”

That’s what you might consider this morning’s email from WDFW about whether the lower Cowlitz River will open next week for dipping as this winter the agency tries out a brand-new way of setting potential openers and alerting the public to any opportunities.

Spoiler alert: Dipping won’t open next Wednesday and Saturday.


Each Friday through mid-March, Washington smelt managers plan on sending out a heads up by no later than 3 p.m. on whether there will be dipping the following week, and today’s notice was the first run of the new system.

“Fishery managers evaluate weekly commercial test fishery landings, or catch reports, to determine if the smelt run size is large enough to support recreational harvest,” states an email from the agency. “This week’s catch reports did not provide enough information to confirm whether the current run size is large enough to open a recreational fishery in the Cowlitz River. Fishery managers will continue monitoring the run to determine if future tentative dates can be approved. For more information, refer to the current smelt season.”

The email also includes a handy-dandy calendar of season dates and when decisions are expected to be announced.

In the past, WDFW staffers watched Columbia River commercial test fishery landings data and other forsoothery for when to announce openers. Typically, they watch for smelt deliveries averaging 200 pounds a boat to really start mulling turning loose the long-netted masses in the lower Cowlitz.

However, this year’s catch data shows no deliveries so far.

For more details on Cowlitz River smelt, including this year’s new licensing requirement, see this WDFW webpage.