Washington CWD Sampling Stations See More Traffic On Rifle Deer Opener
The number of harvested big game animals checked at far Eastern Washington chronic wasting disease sampling stations on opening weekend of the state’s general rifle deer season continues to rise, according to stats released by WDFW today.
2024 Northwest Deer Forecast: Washington, Oregon, Idaho Prospects
This weekend marks the start of the first of the Northwest’s three primary general deer seasons as Oregon riflemen take the field in search of bucks, followed by Idaho then Washington later in October, so what can deer hunters expect?
Perception, Predator Hunting And Public Relations
We need to share a better story about why we hunt cougars, bears and other carnivores “because the future of hunting – and wildlife conservation – depends on it.”
Oregon Hunting, Fishing License Fee Increases On ODFW Commission Agenda
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will mull an ODFW proposal to increase the cost of nearly all fishing and hunting licenses as well as create a new ocean angling endorsement as part of a budget request to state lawmakers that also includes $8 million in cuts to some programs.
Washington Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Named National Org’s Chapter Of The Year
The Washington Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers was named the national organization’s chapter of the year and two members from Eastern Washington won the Wild Game Cookoff at BHA’s annual North American Rendezvous.
WDFW Commission Narrowly OKs Cougar Rulemaking Concepts For Developing 2024 Season
A deeply, starkly, bitterly divided Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission has directed WDFW staffers to develop a slate of cougar rulemaking proposals to get in place ahead of the start of hunting season this September.
Latest USGS Migrations Maps Feature Several WA, OR Deer, Elk Herds
New mapping out from the U.S. Geological Survey today is spotlighting how heavily a Central Washington mule deer herd uses a migratory corridor intersecting with busy US 97 over Blewett Pass.