Back To Sea! Salmon Reopens Off Columbia Mouth For 4 More Days
Salmon fishing between Cape Falcon, Oregon, and Leadbetter Point, Washington, will reopen for four days next week after a review of catches showed enough hatchery coho were actually available.

“The season was closed to angling after August 11 based on the projection that the coho harvest was likely to come very close to the remaining quota. After review of last week’s catch estimates, there were landings of 7,134 coho leaving 3,828 coho remaining on the quota. After reviewing likely effort and catch projections, it was determined that there is enough remaining quota to open for the four weekdays,” an action notice out from ODFW this afternoon explains.
The reopener is Monday, August 19 through Thursday, August 22. The same limits as before apply, two salmon, hatchery coho only, only one Chinook.
The fishery, which is also known as the Columbia River subarea, will then close beginning Friday, August 23.
On a related note, this Sunday, August 18, is the last day of the Oregon Central Coast mark-selective coho season, ODFW is reminding Cape Falcon-to-Humbug Mountain anglers. Chinook remains open through October 31. The any-coho season opens in these waters September 1 with a quota of 25,000.
Marine Area 1 (Illwaco) recreational salmon season reopens Aug. 19-22
Action: Opens four days of salmon fishing in Marine Area 1 (Illwaco).
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: Marine Area 1 (Illwaco).
Effective dates and rules:
- Immediately through Aug. 18, 2024:
Salmon fishing closed. It is illegal to possess salmon onboard a vessel in Marine Area 1, including in transit.
- Aug. 19–22, 2024:
Daily limit two salmon, including no more than one Chinook. Chinook minimum size 22 inches. Coho minimum size 16 inches. Other salmon species no minimum size. Release wild coho.
- Aug. 23, 2024, until further notice:
Salmon fishing closed. It is illegal to possess salmon onboard a vessel in Marine Area 1, including in transit.
Reason for action: The fishery was closed on August 12 due to coho catch approaching the quota for the area, but sufficient quota remains to allow for a limited reopening.
Additional information: The Marine Area 1 catch quota for coho (39,900) is projected to be attained following the August 19-22 opening. Learn more in the WDFW Salmon Fishing Current blog.