Angler Dollars Flushed Away As Bozos Damage Portable Potties On Idaho Rivers
A portable outhouse that cost $50 to rent just a few years ago, costs $150 per month to rent in 2021. Within the last 2 months, fish and game replaced two out of three damaged portable toilets; one toilet was burned along the Clearwater at McGill hole near Orofino, another toilet was pushed in to the S. Fork of the Clearwater River near mailbox hole and the third was shot multiple times along the S. Fork Clearwater River.

Due to the high replacement costs and continued damage/maintenance, Idaho Fish and Game decided to not replace the toilet near McGill hole near Pink House access site near Orofino, yet Fish and Game did replace the other two along the S. Fork Clearwater. It costs an additional $700 to replace each of these portable structures when damage occurs. “Access sites are becoming more expensive to manage and maintain,” says Clearwater region access coordinator, Kevin Jones. Much of the money used to place, maintain and purchase these toilets (when vandalized) comes from dollars anglers spend on purchasing salmon and steelhead tags. Idaho Fish and Game works hard to make responsible financial decisions when using these sportsman’s dollars.

Safety is also a major concern for Idaho Fish and Game. These toilets are located along busy roadways. There could easily have been someone in or near the portable toilet structures when they were damaged. Idaho Fish and Game is concerned about public safety when folks are out recreating on the river. Vandalism to these portable toilets presents a great danger to the public.

If you find it convenient to use these facilities and would like to see continued use along our waterways, please report vandalism as soon as you are able. Jones says, “if Idaho Fish and Game sees continued abuse to these structures, we will have to reduce service. For safety and budget concerns, Fish and Game simply cannot support the additional cost to continually replace and maintain these facilities.” To help ensure anglers’ hard-earned money is used in a responsible and meaningful way, Idaho Fish and Game is asking for help to reduce vandalism by educating others and doing their part to report abuse of public facilities. Idaho Fish and Game urges anyone with information regarding these damages to please contact the regional IDFG office at (208) 799-5010. Thank you for your continued cooperation and respect for the resource.