A US District Court judge in Northern California today vacated 2020's federal delisting of wolves in the western two-thirds of Washington, Oregon and elsewhere in the Lower 48 outside of the Northern Rockies, taking away full WDFW and ODFW management of...
It's not as bonkers as 2021's forecast, but a big cohort of coho is forecasted to be off the Northwest Coast this summer, while managers are beginning to talk about Columbia spring Chinook fisheries too....
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation reports it is committing $1-plus million to restoring areas in the Northwest and elsewhere burned by recent wildfires and protecting them from invasive weeds....
Nearly a quarter million young fin-clipped steelhead escaped from a Southeast Washington hatchery following an equipment failure there, a "significant ... loss" that will most impact fishing on the lower Grande Ronde in early 2024....
The commission conflict that is purportedly so prevalent arises from a group, animal rights believers and government official supporting them, who seek to exclude many cultures involving fish and wildlife - hunters, commercial fishers, certain sports anglers, rural landowners, mainstream environmentalists...
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation highlights some of its 2021 conservation achievements, including the phase-one acquisition of a new Oregon wildlife area with ODFW and other work that all together adds up to "real dollars on the landscape that make a...
Ducks Unlimited celebrates World Wetlands Day to draw attention to these "beautiful and critical landscape features that some describe as nature’s kidneys because of their ability to filter and clean water" and commemorate the international Convention on Wetlands signed this day...
THE FOLLOWING IS A PRESS RELEASE FROM NEZ PERCE WALLOWA The Nez Perce Wallowa Homeland (NPWH) is pleased to announce that they are a recipient of a Zumwalt Prairie Bull Elk Landowner Preference Hunting Tag donated by The Nature Conservancy. NPWH...
WDFW is looking for public comment on a 2022 spring black bear season that would begin May 1, as well as modify harvest and inspection procedures, and make it illegal to kill sows with cubs and cubs....
As two major Washington conservation organizations look forward to working with three new Fish and Wildlife Commission members to "strengthen" WDFW and "fulfill their mandate," they also question why they and other hunting groups weren't consulted by the Governor's Office on...
WDFW is taking public feedback on a draft 10-year recreation strategy for the 1 million-plus acres of land and 450-plus water access sites it manages across Washington....