This summer's salmon season came into sharper focus this afternoon as ocean, Puget Sound and river managers came to agreements for 2022-23 recreational fisheries....
Freshly stocked trout, rods, reels and bait, and angler educators and volunteers will be on tap at an ODFW-hosted free family fishing event at St. Louis Ponds off I-5 north of Salem this Saturday, April 16, from 9 a.m. to 2...
ODFW will host four virtual public listening sessions to present information about the agency’s proposed 2023-25 budget and get feedback; no license fee increase in initial version....
Lower Columbia sturgeon managers set the 2022 spring season in the estuary, which will open May 11 with retention allowed on Wednesdays and Saturdays through June 4, plus Memorial Day....
Late March 2022 spring Chinook, steelhead, sturgeon and walleye fishing catch stats for the Lower Columbia River, gorge pools and select Southwest Washington tributaries....
Mention monster March minimouths in these here parts and your first thought is probably "Master Angler" bass caught on the John Day by a client of Mah-Hah Outfitters. But this time of year the Oregon river isn't the only stream that's...
Puget Sound 2022-23 salmon fisheries are starting to come into a little better focus – if also a potentially less than ideal one for some anglers – and WDFW's latest proposals will be the subject of two meetings with recreational fishermen...
Blunt words from Washington hunting defenders in the wake of the Fish and Wildlife Commission's kiboshing of the state's longstanding limited-entry spring bear season by a 5-4 vote last Saturday....
There are signs PacifiCorp appears ready to add long-promised fish passage facilities on its North Fork Lewis River reservoirs, news that's being "cautiously welcomed" by state and tribal fishery managers and conservation groups as a potential "significant step toward restoring access...
ODFW is surveying steelheaders who fish for summer-runs on the Columbia and its Oregon-side tributaries ahead of a fishery management briefing in April and before an expected lower return begins running upriver this season....
If any good news came out of last week's Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, it's that members approved acquiring 2,642 acres that will eventually provide new hunting opportunities on both sides of the state and improve access to a public clam...
Washington's 2022 halibut season kicks off April 7 with Thursday-Saturday fishing in Marine Areas 6-10, the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca and North Sound, WDFW announces....
Washington hunting managers are proposing a quadruple-digit increase in antlerless permits this fall for one rebounding elk herd but sharply lower special tags for deer in regions of the state hit hard by disease outbreaks caused by drought and hot temperatures...